For today’s post we chose: Harvey Milk
Some fact about him:
born on the 22nd of May 1930
He was the younger of Lithuanian jewish parents
He graduated from Bay Shore High School in 1947
He went to New York State College and majored in mathematics
He served in the US army during the Korean war
He received an "other than honorable" discharge and left the army before facing the court martial because of his homosexuality.
In 1972 he opened.a camera store.
In 1973 in ran for a seat as the city supervisor (he was defeated, the same happened in 1976)
In 1977 he was elected, making him the first openly gay elected officials in the US history.
He was murdered along with the Mayor Moscone on the 27th of November 1978
Harvey’s activism for the LGBTQ rights:
the San Francisco Gay Democratic Club
That is why this club was created : "No decisions which affect our lives should be made without the gay voice being heard. We want our fair share of city services. We want openly gay people appointed and elected to city offices—people who reflect the diversity of our community. We want the schools of San Francisco to provide full exposure to and positive appreciation of gay lifestyles. We are asking no more than we deserve: We will not settle for less"
New law for gay rights
Millk helped pass a ordinance to prohibit discrimination against gay in terms of: employment, housing...
The Proposition 6 ballot initiative
Milk spend his summer of 1978 working against this initiative which is made to ban gay teachers and anyone which supports gay rights from working in Californias schools.
How he was honoured:
The US postal service dedicated a stamp to Harvey Milk
The Navy began constructing a fleet oiler that they intend to name in his honor.
