We met in September 2018 in Sydney Australia. We both came to Australia on a working holiday visa and we both ended up working at the same hotel and restaurant in Palm Beach, the most northern suburb of Sydney.
Adriana had worked there already since June and the day we met was also the day Camille arrived in Australia!
We were working together for the following weeks and months, being not more than friends and colleagues.
Also we were both seeing someone at that time.
We had our first “date” - yep that’s how Adriana called it back then- in the beginning of December. We were still just good friends and both didn’t have anything else in mind. Or maybe yes?! Eventually we hung out for one week straight in December, where Adriana even stayed for 2 nights at Camilles place.
In that time, we laughed our asses off, had the best food and such deep and private conversations. It was almost like we’ve known each other for a long time.
There was this trust and connection between us that we had with no one else before.
We meant so much to each other, that we didn’t want to miss each other anymore.
Little did we know that there was a love growing inside of us which was way more than just friendship.
On the 28th of December 2018 we had a talk in the evening where we confessed our feelings
The feeling to know that she felt the same was unbelievably amazing!
Even though we were scared as hell before that the other might not feel the same.
That night we spent together talking until 6am. Camille had to start work at 8am that day.
The next days we were not spending much time together because Camille had a lot of work and Adriana wasn’t working at the hotel anymore.
We unfortunately couldn’t even spend New Year’s Eve together.
The next time we saw each other was on New Year’s Day where we eventually kissed for the first time. Since then this is our anniversary date and the rest is history
