It´s just the beginning of the year and we have big hopes.
We won’t say that the world will change in 2022, it would be amazing but it won’t happen and we know it.
But we still know that they will be steps forward in the right direction for our community.
Here are some facts:
- Worldwide there is still 71 countries which criminalise private, consensual, same-sex sexual activity. Most of those countries are located on the African continent and the Middle Eastern region.
Those countries are included in the 71:
- In todays world there is still 11 countries that criminalise same sex activity with death penalty:
Northern Nigeria
Saudi Arabia
- 43 countries criminalise consensual sexual activity between women using laws against “lesbianism”.
- And there is as well 15 countries which criminalise the gender identity or/and expression of transgender people.
So many countries are still criminalising our community.
We can’t change everything. But we can participate in the change.
Here are 5 charities you can donate or/and be a part of which are fighting for our rights.
1.The trevor project (founded in 1998, focused on suicide prevention among lesbian, gay, transgender, bisexual, queer and questioning youth)
2.Human Rights Campaign Foundation (founded in 1986, it focuses on the protection and expansion of the rights for the LGBTQIA+ community, notably advocating for the same sex marriage, anti discrimination and hate crimes)
3.Point Foundation (focuses on helping empowering lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer students to achieve their full academic potential)
4.Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice (founded in 1977, it is a foundation focused on issues related to LGBTQIA+ and intersex rights for people of color)
5.Outright Action International (works at the international, regional and national levels to research, document, defend, and advance human rights for LGBTIQ people around the world)
You can also check in your own country/city to see if you have a charity around that you could help.
As we all know and from the facts you just read, there is still so much to do.
We have hope for this year to bring a lot of laws for our rights, in 2021 more than 17 were passed in our favour.
Let’s s go into 2022 and fight together.
